5 Tips for a Perfect Selfie

Do you want some tips for taking the perfect selfie?


I used to hate selfies...but then I saw a quote that went something along the lines of "I am so pro-selfie.  There are bigger issues in the world than a woman thinking she is beautiful.  One of them is women who don't think they're beautiful."  That really hit home fore me...so I decided to set up a group for self(ie) love.  You can request to join it here.

Spawning off from that I thought I'd create a fun video that gives 5 tips for taking the perfect selfie...or at least a better selfie!


For those of you that don't want to watch my 3.5 minute video, here are the selfie tips laid out for you...although I think you should watch the video because I demonstrate! And it's hilarious! :)


It's just not cute.  It's not sexy.  Please don't do it. Keep it out of your selfie and in the chicken dance. Or duck dance....is that even a thing?

Tip 2. Separate your chin from your neck.

The easiest way to do this is to think like a swan...stretch your neck up, jut chin forward and then tilt it down.  That keep the double chin from happening in your selfie.

Tip 3. Smile!

Please smile in your selfie....we love to see smiles...it makes you look happy!  If RBF is your thing, that's cool..but work for at least 75% smiles and 25% RBF!!

Tip 4. Make eye contact with your lens!

Don't stare at your reflection! You're connecting with your audience, not yourself!  Also, smile with your eyes! There's a big difference between a connection with a smile and a connection without a smile....so give yourself a genuine smile that lights up your whole face...then either keep the smile or drop the smile but KEEP THE SMILE IN YOUR EYES...simply let the smile just on your mouth drop...and look in the lens...it gives an intense connection with your audience so your selfie can be a big hit!

Tip 5.  Make sure the lighting is good!

There's nothing that ruins a selfie more than bad lighting.  Except maybe a duck face! Yikes.  A naturally sunlit room gives the BEST lighting and is the most flattering....just no direct sunlight on your face please..it will wash you out and you will squint and that's not attractive. Avoid low light areas and if you cannot snapchat has a really cool selfie feature that give you a small flash in the frame!  

Enjoy the tips and make your selfie PERFECT!  



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