Embrace Your Worth: Overcoming Excuses and Investing in Yourself with a Boudoir Session

Embrace Your Worth: Overcoming Excuses and Investing in Yourself with a Boudoir Session

Nerves often lead to excuses.  We spend all of our time taking care of other people and making all of these excuses as to why we can’t take care of ourselves and invest in ourselves.  Sometimes life is crazy (I know mine is), work is busy, the kids have too much going on.  Sometimes we put off what we know we want because we don’t feel VALUEABLE enough to put ourselves first and we make excuses.  “I’ll book it when I lose 15 lbs”!  And “That’s too much to spend on myself”.  I want to write this and let you know that no matter what your excuse is, you CAN book a boudoir session.  You’re WORTH putting yourself first.  You are worthy and valuable. You DESERVE all the self love you can give yourself!

I need to lose weight/I don’t look like her!

You do not need to change a single thing about your body to be worthy of a boudoir session!  You’re absolutely perfect the way you are and I want to show you that!  My studio is a body positive studio.  We see women of ALL shapes and sizes.  Your body type is not one I haven’t seen.  We put so much emphasis on society’s beauty standards.  We think we need to look or be a certain way…and that’s simply NOT true!  A very small amount of women in America actually fit into society’s stereotypical beauty standards.  No two women are alike! We are all unique and beautiful.  You can have health goals! That’s great!  But you shouldn’t hate yourself until then!  Love your body every step of the way. You don’t have to lose weight to love yourself.

Life has worn me down, I’m not the sexual or sensual woman I used to be

Listen, I get it. And this is exactly WHY you SHOULD book a boudoir session!  I’ve been there. I AM there most days.  But sometimes we have to step outside the box of how we FEEL and embrace what we NEED.  As women, we deserve to feel sensual. We were DESIGNED to be sensual.  But family, work obligations, and health can really interfere with our sexuality.  But book a shoot and light that spark!  I can show you a whole new side of you that you’ve never seen…and that maybe your spouse hasn’t seen in a while..fireworks anyone?

Also remember, you don’t HAVE to wear super sexy lingerie or be nude to have a boudoir session! We want you to wear outfits that you feel amazing in and that fit your personality! I guarantee you have things in your closet right now that you can use and feel more comfortable….jeans and a tank top, evening gown, party dress, cut off jeans, cute jackets, button up shirts…the possibilities are endless! We definitely help put your looks together. You deserve to feel comfortable and secure in your body.

I don’t have time for myself

I get it.  I don’t have time for myself a lot either.  Between my business, raising 4 kids, investing in my marriage and friendships, it’s difficult even for me to remember to fill my glass up. But one thing to remember is you have time for what you MAKE time for.  And making time for yourself is essential.  You can’t pour from your cup if it’s not full.  If you’re on empty, you can’t really give to others.  So fill up your cup. Do things for yourself that make you happy and help boost your confidence.  Every relationship you’re in will strengthen when you take care of yourself first.

With a boudoir session, you can invest in yourself mentally.  You’ll spend a few hours away from all of your daily to-do’s and just be able to breathe, exist, and love yourself.  Afterwards, you’ll feel so amazing and confident about the way you look, that you’ll stop comparing yourself to others, you’ll stop thinking negative thoughts about your looks and what a breath of fresh air! You absolutely NEED time for yourself!

A boudoir shoot is an investment! I don’t have that kind of money!

You’re correct.  A boudoir shoot IS an investment.  A worthy investment in YOURSELF, your mental wellness and your confidence and journey to loving your body. But you don’t have to pay the whole thing at once.  Most of our clients start pre-payment plans.  We just require a retainer to book and then we split up the remaining cost into monthly or bi-weekly payments leading up to the day of your session. That way, you can break up the cost and go home with ALL of the images you love.  We also accept PayPal Financing as a means to pay for your collection and we love this option because if your line of credit covers the cost of your chosen collection, we are considered paid in full, you get AMAZING prepay bonuses and can take your time paying off your collection! We cover payment plans in your consultation call or simply shoot us an email and we can answer your payment plan questions!

Get more information about our sessions and the link to schedule a quick chat here:

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