Posing Class
When you come into my studio, you come as you are. There's nothing special you need to know. You don't need to know how to pose, you don't need to know how to have a 'sexy face'...trust me. I'll guide you through all of that and you'll look like a bomb shell.
But I know it's nice to go into something so unfamiliar and want to know a little about what to expect. You can practice these at home and you'll come in more prepared and more confident about your session! So let's do a little mini posing class...are you ready?
Pop Your Booty and Arch Your Back
You'll hear me say that all the time! Pop it and arch it! The best way to achieve this is to stand in a relaxed position and rotate your pelvis toward the floor. This should exaggerate the curve of your spine and make your booty pop out a little in the back.
Rotating your pelvis downward accentuates your booty and gives you more curve
Put Your Weight on One Hip
Stand tall, pop one knee out while feet are still together. Then cross that knee over your other leg. This accentuates the hips and give your a tapered, feminine look.
Hip posing accentuates the curves of your hips and minimizes the waist.
Weight on Your Head and Your Booty
This can be done on the floor and on the wall. It gives the girls a little lift and stretches your body out and slenderizes trouble spots. Lay on the ground and bend your knees. Put your head on the floor where your high pony tail would be. Lift your back and shoulders off the floor but keep your booty on the floor. Hawt! ;)
Weight on head and bottom lifts breasts and slims your body
Facial Expression Tips
-When we say look at the floor or over your shoulders, we usually mean just with your eyes...so don't move your head and just move your eyes in the indicated direction.
-Keep your mouth relaxed and slightly open. Breathe through your mouth. We don't want photos of your closed mouth. Keeping the mouth slightly open will give you a relaxed, comfortable, and sexy look.
Keep your face relaxed and breathe through your mouth
What do I do with my hands?
Busy hands are good hands. We will usually have you grabbing or touching something....sheets, bra strap, panties, necklace. We also like to have you run your hands over your face, across your chest, or along a well. We keep your hands busy and it keeps you looking busy. We like to have your hands tousling your hair some too!
Good hands are busy hands